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Angel Falls, Kerepacupay in Pemón language, is the great star of the Canaima National Park.


The most precious treasure of the  Venezuelan nature  it is located here. With almost a kilometer of free fall, the thunderous torrent spills from the immense Auyan Tepuy, one of the hundreds of tepuyes, the elevated plateaus with flat tops and vertical walls that rise up to 2000 meters high and characterize this privileged space of the Amazon jungle which, due to its ecological value and uniqueness, has been declared  World Heritage  by UNESCO.

Angel Falls Full Day

Difficulty level:  Medium-High

Duration: 14h

At 4:00 am they will wake you up to go to the early breakfast. Then the navigation begins. 4 hours  to get to the Angel Falls Base Camp. This excursion includes a walk (optional ) to the viewpoint and the Angel Falls Well, which lasts approximately 1 hour.


The road is steep and quite slippery. People who do not want to climb can stay at the base camp. During the excursion, breakfast is served on Isla Orquídea and lunch is served at the base camp.


*Please notify any special diet.

* The excursion is subject to weather and river conditions.

* In times of drought check availability.


Recommendations : Carry a backpack with: Waterproof poncho, hat, sunscreen, extra socks, cap, repellent. Wear a bathing suit and rubber shoes.

Angel Falls Full Day

Difficulty level:  Medium-High

Duration: 14h

At 4:00 am they will wake you up to go to the early breakfast. Then the navigation begins. 4 hours  to get to the Angel Falls Base Camp. This excursion includes a walk (optional ) to the viewpoint and the Angel Falls Well, which lasts approximately 1 hour.


The road is steep and quite slippery. People who do not want to climb can stay at the base camp. During the excursion, breakfast is served on Isla Orquídea and lunch is served at the base camp.


*Please notify any special diet.

* The excursion is subject to weather and river conditions.

* In times of drought check availability.


Recommendations : Carry a backpack with: Waterproof poncho, hat, sunscreen, extra socks, cap, repellent. Wear a bathing suit and rubber shoes.

Angel Falls Full Day

Difficulty level:  Medium-High

Duration: 14h

At 4:00 am they will wake you up to go to the early breakfast. Then the navigation begins. 4 hours  to get to the Angel Falls Base Camp. This excursion includes a walk (optional ) to the viewpoint and the Angel Falls Well, which lasts approximately 1 hour.


The road is steep and quite slippery. People who do not want to climb can stay at the base camp. During the excursion, breakfast is served on Isla Orquídea and lunch is served at the base camp.


*Please notify any special diet.

* The excursion is subject to weather and river conditions.

* In times of drought check availability.


Recommendations : Carry a backpack with: Waterproof poncho, hat, sunscreen, extra socks, cap, repellent. Wear a bathing suit and rubber shoes.

Campamento Canaima

Hotel ubicado en el Parque Nacional Canaima, Venezuela. Hospedaje de máximo confort con amenidades, excursiones y transporte. 

Hotel located in the Canaima National Park, Venezuela. Maximum comfort accommodation with amenities, excursions and transportation.


Reservas: +584262621559

Agencias de Viaje: +584122993141

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Bookings: +584262621559

Travel Agencies: +584122993141

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